Deliverability (Performance Type)
Use this option to define Gas Rate as a function of Bottom Hole Pressure or Wellhead Pressure. The well's deliverability is calculated from the following representation of the Semi-Steady-State equation:
Q = C(P2RES-P2BHP)nwhere Q is the production rate, C is the Flow Coefficient (entered in Mscfd/psi2 or in Mm3d/kpa2), n is the Flow Exponent, PRES is the reservoir Initial Pressure defined in the Pressure Info Tab and PBHP is the flowing Bottom Hole Pressure.
Pressure Control: Choose whether the Wellhead or the Bottom Hole minimum pressure is known.
- Bottom Hole Pressure: Enter a minimum Bottom Hole Pressure.
- Wellhead Pressure: Enter a minimum Wellhead Pressure. In this case, the Bottom Hole Pressure is calculated from the Cullender-Smith technique (). Additional information on True Vertical Depth and Tubing Diameter can be found in the Well Geometry Tab.
Rate Control: Use this option to specify a maximum rate restriction either as a Fixed value of Max Gas Rate or as a percentage of Allowable Open Flow (% of AOF). The AOF is the flow rate at the minimum Bottom Hole Pressure or Wellhead Pressure.
When % of AOF is selected as rate control method, the decline has an imposed dynamic limit for every pressure value, calculated thus:
Max Ratep = %AOF / 100 * AOFp
where p stands for the current reservoir pressure.
AOFp = (p2)Flow Exponent * Flow Coefficient
This is equivalent to calculating the rate of the well in ideal conditions where Bottom Hole Pressure = 0.
When calculating the rate for given cum and pressure, the result is truncated by Max Ratep if needed.
Note that the equation used to calculate the friction factor of a gas flow is valid only for a turbulent flow (characterized by a Reynolds number higher than 2,1); cfr. Brett and Millheim 1986 p. 334 eq. 4.46.
The rest of the inputs allow you to characterize the declines for the secondary fluids - water and gas in the case of oil producers, water and oil for gas producers.
- Water Yield Factor: Use this option to enable input of Water Cut as a factor of rate.
- Oil Yield Factor: Use this option to enable input of dimensionless GOR, a factor which will be multiplied by the Initial GOR defined in the Fluids Tab.

For further details, see More on Deliverability and Quadratic Pressure.